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Dieses Thema hat 3 Antworten
und wurde 396 mal aufgerufen
Johnny Tivio Offline


Beiträge: 79

26.09.2009 21:35
Bedeutungsvolle Menschen Antworten

Obama, Einstein xD Egal ob lebend oder nicht, es gibt einige Menschen, die Großes vollbracht haben.

Ich fang mit der Diskussion an, weil ich gerade bei Youtube ein Video von "You are not alone" von Michael Jackson gefunden habe...Das hätte ihm mal jemand sagen müssen. Mich hat persönlich sein Tod echt getroffen, er hat es einfach nicht verdient. Was ich denke, kann ich kaum mit Worten ausdrücken. Und es gibt drei echt schöne Kommentare zu diesem Video. Auf englisch, aber man versteht sie. Ich kopier sie hier mal rein:

This video actually made me cry... Poor MJ, it's just a real shame that he had to go so soon. He cared so much about people and animals around the world and helped them, he was just... amazing, he was one in a million. But I guess he's in a better place now. Away from all the slimy paparazzi, the lying tabloids, all the people out there that picked on him or hated him just to be jerks. now he's looking down on us from heaven. Rest In Peace Michael, you will never be forgotten. ~♥

Knowing he is no longer on this earth makes me cry. i have loved his music since the day i heard it. He had so many problems in his life but he never stopped giving. Nobody will ever replace him. The world has lost an angel. His music will live on forever. Rest in Peace Michael. We love you. You will NEVER be forgotton or replaced. Goodbye my King. <3

he cared about so much. they dont make people like him anymore.
wherever you are, michael, we love you and we miss you so much. i hope you are finally relieved of the pain the world cause you. the only crime you are guilty of is stealing our hearts and loving everyone in this world too much, no matter what they felt for you. I know you are one of Gods most cherished angels and you look out for us all. Rest in Peace

Johnny Tivio|Hengst|Irish Draught|10 Jahre|Single

There will be no Horse, that is such a good Friend like Johnny Tivio.
The big Stallion with a big Courage and a Big Heart.

Arabian Midnight Offline


Beiträge: 255

26.09.2009 21:39
#2 RE: Bedeutungsvolle Menschen Antworten

tolle kommis armer micheal^^

Arabian Midnight|Stute|4 jahre|trächtig von Forgotten Way|

Did anybody understand me?
Can anybody hear my thoughts?
I don`t think so, so let me in hole in peace
and let me die...

yes you`re right. I am not dead! I want to stay alive!
I want to have my foal!
Yeah, im still alive and i am proud of it!

>>papi can you hear me?<<
>>papi can you see me?<<
>>papi please come back<<
zitat by the simpsons

Johnny Tivio Offline


Beiträge: 79

26.09.2009 21:42
#3 RE: Bedeutungsvolle Menschen Antworten

Allein schon das Lied...ich liebe es <33 und die Bilder sind voll schön...aber omg, eins ist echt schlimm...Bei 4:20 ungefähr fängts an...

Johnny Tivio|Hengst|Irish Draught|10 Jahre|Single

There will be no Horse, that is such a good Friend like Johnny Tivio.
The big Stallion with a big Courage and a Big Heart.

Arabian Midnight Offline


Beiträge: 255

26.09.2009 21:45
#4 RE: Bedeutungsvolle Menschen Antworten

allein schon der titel xDD

Arabian Midnight|Stute|4 jahre|trächtig von Forgotten Way|

Did anybody understand me?
Can anybody hear my thoughts?
I don`t think so, so let me in hole in peace
and let me die...

yes you`re right. I am not dead! I want to stay alive!
I want to have my foal!
Yeah, im still alive and i am proud of it!

>>papi can you hear me?<<
>>papi can you see me?<<
>>papi please come back<<
zitat by the simpsons

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